Quarter 4, Week 7
Language Arts-
Day 1 -I am Malala Chapter 14-16
Day 2- Research Day for Monologue (Due May 29)
Day 3- I am Malala Chapter 17-19
Day 4- I am Malala Chapter 20-23 and Book on the Month (Due June 1)
Today we worked on the review for Lesson 26.
Tomorrow we will continue to review.
Wednesday we will take our test (last one) on Lesson 22-26.
Thursday we will practice for leading out in chapel praise on May 25, 2018.
Review Answers:
Lesson 23
According to John 16:33, why did Jesus tell His disciples about the persecution that was to
So they could have peace when trouble came. (Memory Verse)
2. How was persecution a blessing for the early Christians?
Persecution scattered the Christians. They traveled to foreign countries and spread the gospel
wherever they were.
3. Why were the Christians a problem to the Romans?
Christians challenged the Roman social structure, religious beliefs, and morals. Christian piety
was a rebuke to the average Roman.
4. Which Roman general brought widespread persecution to the Christians? Why?
The Emperor Nero was suspected of setting Rome on fire. He put the blame on the Christians
so people would not be suspicious of him.
5. Where in Rome did Christians sometimes take refuge while they were being persecuted?
In the catacombs under the city of Rome.
6. What did Satan expect would happen as a result of the persecution of the Christians?
He hoped they would give up their faith in Jesus.
7. What did Tertullian say concerning the persecution of the Christians? What did he mean by
these words?
He said, “The blood of Christians is seed.” He meant that the unjust persecution of Christians
would bring new people to Christ. The church would grow.
8. How did Jesus tell His followers they should react when persecution came?
He told them they should rejoice and be glad.
9. Why did Christians sometimes choose to disobey the government?
Christians disobeyed only when obeying would have meant going against God and His law
for them.
Lesson 24
1 . What did Paul hope to teach the believers by comparing the church to the human body?
He wanted them to understand that each of them was an important part of the church.
Members needed to work together as the parts of the body do.
2. Persecution did not destroy the church. What was Satan’s new plan to destroy it?
He decided to attack the church from within. He would invade the church with falsehood.
3. Why was Jesus always in conflict with the Jewish leaders?
He held the Scriptures as more important than the Jewish leaders’ teachings or rules.
4. How did heathen customs come to be blended with the teachings of the church?
New converts to the church would bring their pagan customs with them. These heathen
customs became blended with Christian practices.
5. How did the church come to believe that people go to heaven when they die?
Christians began praying for martyrs, even though they knew they were dead. Then
Christians began to believe that God had rewarded the martyrs by taking them to heaven.
Next the church began praying to the martyrs. Eventually, they believed God rewarded His
loyal followers by taking them directly to heaven at the time of their deaths.
6. How did early Christians come to believe that Sunday, rather than the seventh-day Sabbath,
was the correct day on which to worship?
The western Christians began celebrating Christ’s resurrection on Sunday every year.
Gradually they celebrated it every Sunday. At that time the church met two days a week—on
Sabbath to honor creation and on Sunday to honor the resurrection. As more pagans were
converted, the seventh day for worship was dropped because the new converts were used to
worshiping on Sunday, the day of sun worship. Finally the church ruled that Sunday would be
the official day of worship for all Christians.
7. Name two events that signified the end of the sacrificial system.
Jesus’ death and the torn curtain in the sanctuary.
8. Why were priests no longer needed after Christ’s death?
Jesus was the priest for all humanity. We can go directly to God through Jesus.
9. Why was their inability to read a handicap to Christians in the early church?
They had to depend on the church leaders to read the Bible to them and to help them
understand it.
Lesson 25
1 . Name one way in which the period in earth’s history called the “Dark Ages” got its name?
The world was in spiritual darkness because of Satan’s corruption of the early church and its
2. Why were images and pictures first brought into the church?
To be used as teaching tools.
3. How did the church change the Ten Commandments when image worship was introduced into
the churches in a.d. 787?
The second commandment was removed from the Bible, and the tenth commandment was
separated into two commandments so there were still ten.
4. What did the priests teach about hell and purgatory?
Hell was a place where sinners would burn forever. Purgatory was a place of torture where
people would be punished for sin before they were admitted into heaven.
5. How did the religious practices and teachings during the Dark Ages make the people feel?
People felt guilty and distressed. Many gave up on salvation, thinking they had to earn it
6. What happened to anyone who spoke out against the church?
Anyone who spoke against the church was banished, excommunicated, or killed.
7. What were some of the beliefs that the Waldenses held as truth?
The Waldenses denied that priests had control over one’s soul. They believed Jesus is the
only mediator between God and humanity. They rejected image worship. Some preserved a
knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath.
8. How did the leaders of the church treat the Waldenses?
They persecuted them for their disobedience to authority.
9. How does the Bible symbolically describe the church in the Dark Ages? Where is this description
The Bible describes the church as a woman hiding in the wilderness where God cares for her.
The description is found in Revelation 12.
Day 1 -I am Malala Chapter 14-16
Day 2- Research Day for Monologue (Due May 29)
Day 3- I am Malala Chapter 17-19
Day 4- I am Malala Chapter 20-23 and Book on the Month (Due June 1)
"People who Changed the World" Meet
and Greet Rubric
Name of Person Book is about:
Points Possible
Points Earned
Was the person approved on time?
Did you turn in your index cards on time?
Was your presentation clear and easy to understand?
Was your presentation informative?
Did you cover the important and frequently asked
Did you act like the character during your
Did your costume have identifying elements?
Did you make eye contact for most of your
Are the spelling, punctuation, and grammar correct?
Today we worked on the review for Lesson 26.
Tomorrow we will continue to review.
Wednesday we will take our test (last one) on Lesson 22-26.
Thursday we will practice for leading out in chapel praise on May 25, 2018.
Review Answers:
Lesson 23
According to John 16:33, why did Jesus tell His disciples about the persecution that was to
So they could have peace when trouble came. (Memory Verse)
2. How was persecution a blessing for the early Christians?
Persecution scattered the Christians. They traveled to foreign countries and spread the gospel
wherever they were.
3. Why were the Christians a problem to the Romans?
Christians challenged the Roman social structure, religious beliefs, and morals. Christian piety
was a rebuke to the average Roman.
4. Which Roman general brought widespread persecution to the Christians? Why?
The Emperor Nero was suspected of setting Rome on fire. He put the blame on the Christians
so people would not be suspicious of him.
5. Where in Rome did Christians sometimes take refuge while they were being persecuted?
In the catacombs under the city of Rome.
6. What did Satan expect would happen as a result of the persecution of the Christians?
He hoped they would give up their faith in Jesus.
7. What did Tertullian say concerning the persecution of the Christians? What did he mean by
these words?
He said, “The blood of Christians is seed.” He meant that the unjust persecution of Christians
would bring new people to Christ. The church would grow.
8. How did Jesus tell His followers they should react when persecution came?
He told them they should rejoice and be glad.
9. Why did Christians sometimes choose to disobey the government?
Christians disobeyed only when obeying would have meant going against God and His law
for them.
Lesson 24
1 . What did Paul hope to teach the believers by comparing the church to the human body?
He wanted them to understand that each of them was an important part of the church.
Members needed to work together as the parts of the body do.
2. Persecution did not destroy the church. What was Satan’s new plan to destroy it?
He decided to attack the church from within. He would invade the church with falsehood.
3. Why was Jesus always in conflict with the Jewish leaders?
He held the Scriptures as more important than the Jewish leaders’ teachings or rules.
4. How did heathen customs come to be blended with the teachings of the church?
New converts to the church would bring their pagan customs with them. These heathen
customs became blended with Christian practices.
5. How did the church come to believe that people go to heaven when they die?
Christians began praying for martyrs, even though they knew they were dead. Then
Christians began to believe that God had rewarded the martyrs by taking them to heaven.
Next the church began praying to the martyrs. Eventually, they believed God rewarded His
loyal followers by taking them directly to heaven at the time of their deaths.
6. How did early Christians come to believe that Sunday, rather than the seventh-day Sabbath,
was the correct day on which to worship?
The western Christians began celebrating Christ’s resurrection on Sunday every year.
Gradually they celebrated it every Sunday. At that time the church met two days a week—on
Sabbath to honor creation and on Sunday to honor the resurrection. As more pagans were
converted, the seventh day for worship was dropped because the new converts were used to
worshiping on Sunday, the day of sun worship. Finally the church ruled that Sunday would be
the official day of worship for all Christians.
7. Name two events that signified the end of the sacrificial system.
Jesus’ death and the torn curtain in the sanctuary.
8. Why were priests no longer needed after Christ’s death?
Jesus was the priest for all humanity. We can go directly to God through Jesus.
9. Why was their inability to read a handicap to Christians in the early church?
They had to depend on the church leaders to read the Bible to them and to help them
understand it.
Lesson 25
1 . Name one way in which the period in earth’s history called the “Dark Ages” got its name?
The world was in spiritual darkness because of Satan’s corruption of the early church and its
2. Why were images and pictures first brought into the church?
To be used as teaching tools.
3. How did the church change the Ten Commandments when image worship was introduced into
the churches in a.d. 787?
The second commandment was removed from the Bible, and the tenth commandment was
separated into two commandments so there were still ten.
4. What did the priests teach about hell and purgatory?
Hell was a place where sinners would burn forever. Purgatory was a place of torture where
people would be punished for sin before they were admitted into heaven.
5. How did the religious practices and teachings during the Dark Ages make the people feel?
People felt guilty and distressed. Many gave up on salvation, thinking they had to earn it
6. What happened to anyone who spoke out against the church?
Anyone who spoke against the church was banished, excommunicated, or killed.
7. What were some of the beliefs that the Waldenses held as truth?
The Waldenses denied that priests had control over one’s soul. They believed Jesus is the
only mediator between God and humanity. They rejected image worship. Some preserved a
knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath.
8. How did the leaders of the church treat the Waldenses?
They persecuted them for their disobedience to authority.
9. How does the Bible symbolically describe the church in the Dark Ages? Where is this description
The Bible describes the church as a woman hiding in the wilderness where God cares for her.
The description is found in Revelation 12.
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