Quarter 3, Week 3

Language Arts-

Day 1- Today the Candy Bar Ad is due.  We will also read Hoot Chapters 5 and 6.  Be prepared for a Quiz tomorrow.

Day 2- We will take a Quiz on Chapters 5 and 6.  We will also do up to Worksheet p. 33 in our Hoot packets.  We will finish class by brainstorming environmental topics for our persuasive essays.

Day 3- We will spend the day in the Computer Lab, researching and taking notes for our persuasive essays.

Day 4- We will report/record the books we are reading for February book of the month and spend the period reading.


Day 1- Go over answers to the test review.

Day 2- Play Trasket Ball with the test questions.

Day 3- Test Unit 4

Day 4- Jam Session


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