
Showing posts from 2018

Quuarter 4, Week 9

Language Arts- This week we are presenting out Monologues. Next week we will continue with them.  Monday, June 4: 1st:Elijah, Kalee, Edward, Luchae, Emily, Coco, Krupa 2nd: Elizabeth, Gabby, Xavier, Jadd, Zadie, Faith, Carina 3rd: Faith, Thomas, Allyon, Lilli, Sarah, Andrew Carly Tuesday, June 5: 8th: Victoria, Zoei, Lynn, Larissa, Aidan, Allison, Frederick 2nd: Chole, Benjamin, Jacob, Ryan, Becky, Isabella, Harrison 3rd: Brodie, Natalia Bible: Tuesday: We went to the 6th grade classrooms to answer questions about 7th grade. Wednesday: Lesson 35

Quarter 4, Week 8

Language Arts- This week we are reading I Am Malala.   Day 1- Chapter 24-28 Day 2- Chapter 29- 33 Day 3- Chapter 34-end Next week will begin presentations for out biography monologue. Friday, May 25 1st Period- Kian 2nd Period- Vivika 3rd Period- Joshua, Avril Tuesday, May 29 8th period- Jordan, Julienne, Gabby, Ian, Michelle, Natalie, Jenaro 2nd Period- Jeff, Aidan, Brian, Abigail, Viggo, Andrew, Michelle 3rd Period- Matthew, Justin, Elijah, Jaden, Ashley, Elizabeth, Arianna 7th Period- Maddie, Emma, Kurt, Joshua, William, Yukki, C.J. Wednesday, May 30 1st Period- Lea, Chris, Ana, Nico, Sarah, Maya, Haley 8th Period- Ben, Russell, Jatneil, Weston, Tommy, Marko, CeCe 3rd Period- Benjamin, Morgan, Ruben, Summer, Kadin, Heaven 7th Period- Kevin, Soobin, Alan, J.T., Lauren, Evan Bible- This is the week that our class gets to present music for chapel.  12 of our students will be on stage and the rest will support from the front row.

Quarter 4, Week 7

Language Arts- Day 1 -I am Malala Chapter 14-16 Day 2- Research Day for Monologue (Due May 29) Day 3 -  I am Malala Chapter 17-19 Day 4 - I am Malala Chapter 20-23 and Book on the Month (Due June 1)  "People who Changed the World" Meet and Greet Rubric Monologue Name: Name of Person Book is about: Points Possible Points Earned Was the person approved on time? 5 Did you turn in your index cards on time? 10 Was your presentation clear and easy to understand? 10 Was your presentation informative? 20 Did you cover the important and frequently asked questions? 15 Did you act like the character during your presentation? 10 Did your costume have identifying elements? 10 Did you make eye contact for most of your presentation? 10...

Quarter 4, Week 6

Language Arts- Day 1- I am Malala  Ch. 6-8 and Novel Study Guide Day 2-   I am Malala   Ch. 9-10 and Novel Study Guide Day 3- First Novel Study Guide (Ch. 1-10) due.  I am Malala Ch. 11-13 and Novel Study Guide Day 4- Reading Day- Book of the Month (MAY- Last One) Biography Project- We are now working on our Biography Projects.  Students should have the person they would like to study approved early this week.  Students will be assigned a day during the last two weeks of school to present. Here are the requirements for this project: Biography Project 7 th Grade Language Arts Class You will research a person who changed the world (for the better).   You will use at least 3 credible sources in your research. Take notes on the person you choose.   Include information about the following: a.     Family b.     Hometown c.     Date of birth (and death, if applicable) d....

Quarter 4, Week 3

Language Arts- This week we are continuing our poetry unit. Day 1- Pop Song/Poetry Comparison (8 questions with a partner due on Day 2) Day 2- Helen Poems Day 3- Jabberwalky ** If you have not paid me for I am Malala  please do so ASAP. Bible- Lesson 24 MV- 2 Timothy 3:16 (Verbal Quiz) Day 1- Read Day 2- Jam Session Day 3- Dig/ Activity Day 4 Jam Session

Quarter 4, Week 1

Language Arts- The Book of the Month (BOM) for March was due on April 3 and will be added to the 3rd Quarter grade as that was when the book was read.  We started out the week by reading All Summer in a Day.   The students were to create a flip book in which they answered questions, summarized, explored plot, etc.  These flip books are due no later then tomorrow at 8am as there are no regular classes (due to Track and Field day). I am very excited about the poetry unit we will begin next week.  Religion- This week we worked on lesson 22.

2nd to the last week of the Quarter

Language Arts- Day 1     Turn in Persuasive essay.  Read Hoot  Chapter 17. Day 2     Last Day to turn in Grammar Practice.    Ready Hoot Chapter 18 Day 3     Peer Edit Persuasive essay **Correct and turn in Day 4 Day 4     Read Chapter 20 and Book of the Month (due on the day we return from spring break) Bible- Lesson 21 Dig 21 Review for Unit 5 test Unit 5 test on Wednesday, March 21

Week 6, Day 1

Language Arts- Today we discussed outlines.  We did a practice outline and began out persuasive essay outlines (due tomorrow). Bible- Read Lesson 19

Quarter 3 Week 5

Language Arts-  I am still going over thesis statements.  Yours will need to be finalized by the end of day 2 this week. Today we read Hoot  chapter 9 in class and 10 was assigned to read at home.  Tomorrow we will have a quiz over chapters 9 and 10 before heading to the computer lab for more research on our persuasive papers. Bible- Today we read lesson 18.  We will have a memory verse quiz on Thursday over 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Quarter 3, Week 3

Language Arts- Day 1- Today the Candy Bar Ad is due.  We will also read Hoot  Chapters 5 and 6.  Be prepared for a Quiz tomorrow. Day 2- We will take a Quiz on Chapters 5 and 6.  We will also do up to Worksheet p. 33 in our Hoot  packets.  We will finish class by brainstorming environmental topics for our persuasive essays. Day 3- We will spend the day in the Computer Lab, researching and taking notes for our persuasive essays. Day 4- We will report/record the books we are reading for February book of the month and spend the period reading. Bible Day 1- Go over answers to the test review. Day 2- Play Trasket Ball with the test questions. Day 3- Test Unit 4 Day 4- Jam Session

Day 2

Language Arts- We took the Quiz on Chapter 3 and 4. Next we explored 4 Persuasive devices.  There will be an application quiz on the 4 devices tomorrow **7th period- Today we read (normally Thursday's assignment).  This will enable ALL of us to participate in the lessons this week. Bible- DIG 16 all

Quarter 3, Week 2, Day 1

Language Arts- Be began today by turning in our invented candy bars.  Next, I handed out the Grammar Packets for Quarter 3.  Although they are due on March 13, I encouraged the students to turn them in before Valentines Day (Feb. 14), so that I have time to grade them and they have time to correct them before the finial deadline.  Then read chapters 3 and 4 in Hoot .  Finally, we did the second page, front and back, of our Hoot  packet.  **Quiz over chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow Bible- We read lesson 16 and went over the memory verse.  When you pass through the water, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.       Isaiah 43:2

Quarter 3, Week 1, Day 3

Language Arts- Today we took the Hoot Chapter 1-2 Quiz.  We then did the first page (front and back) of the Hoot  packet.  Next, we viewed several ads for candy bars and were tasked with inventing our own, new, candy bar.  Students should draw their candy bar with the wrapper on and again with the wrapper off.  They should also write a paragraph introducing their candy bar.  The drawings and paragraph is due not later than Monday.  We will be working with these in class so it is imperative that students have their completed work with them. Bible- Today we worked on worksheet page 47 and 48 concerning dreams in the bible.  Tomorrow we will have our Memory Verse Quiz.

Week 1 Day 2

Language Arts Day 2- Today we read chapter 1 and 2 of Hoot  in class.  If we did not finish reading the chapters in class, they are homework.  Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow (day 3). Bible- Today we did DIG Lesson 15 numbers 1-8 and the jounral prompt on the same page.

Semester 2, Quarter 3, Week 1, Day 1

Welcome to a new Semester and Quarter! Language Arts- We are beginning the book Hoot.   Please make sure you have your copy in class tomorrow. Today we did an anticipatory activity and explored how are view may be different from our classmates.  We will keep this activity and revisit it when we finish reading and discussing the book.  It will be interesting to see how our view change. Bible- Today we began studying Daniel.  We read about how he refused the rich food of the kings table.  We will be challenging ourselves to 10 days (the same amount of time Daniel asked for (found in the first chapter of Daniel)) with out meat or sweets.  We will begin our challenge a week from today on Monday, January 29. The memory verse for this week is Daniel 2:20-22 " Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his.  He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them.  he gives wisdom to the wise and kn...

Looking to 2nd Semester

3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Starts Monday! Each student must have their copy of the book Hoot   in class on Monday.  This book was on the book list at the start of the school year and you should have already purchased a copy.  I am looking forward to this unit that crosses between Science and Language Arts.

Quarter 2, Week 9

Wow!  I was sick all of last week.  I know many of us are and I am praying for each of my students who are absent.  This is the last week of the quarter and we are finishing things up.  Today I collected all work from last week.  This included: New Years Resolution Rough Draft, New Years Resolution Final, "Thank you, Ma'am Questions", and the Okapi Close reading packet. We focused on our Grammar Packets in class.  I have uploaded scores for those to Power School.  If yours is still missing please get it to me tomorrow. We will take our Grammar Finial on Thursday of this week. If there is anything I can do to help you finish this quarter strong, please let me know.

Quarter 2, Week 7, Day 1

Welcome Back!! Language Arts- Today we talked about New Years Resolutions.  We brainstormed about our resolutions in 3 categories and wrote the introduction paragraph for out 5 paragraph essay on our 2018 New Years Resolutions. Bible- Today we began reading Lesson 13.  There will be no memory verse quiz this week.