Week 5, Day 1

This weeks MV is:
Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have seperated you from you God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
Isaiah 59: 1,2

Today we read Lesson 5 in class.

Language Arts-

Today I assigned the first formal writing assignment. It is due on Friday, September 29.  I will be giving some time in the next class period to continue working on the rough drafts.  The assignment should follow these guidelines as well as the writing rubric found on p. 432-433 of the Strategies for Writers 7 writing textbook.  All formal assignments turned in should follow the MLA guidelines. Here is a great resource for that. MLA Format

Remember to use your collage (due last friday) as inspiration for this paper.

Write a DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY that describes your dream house.  After introducing your dream house, explain its’ most important features.  Be sure to explain why you’ve made the choices you have made.  You must include 3 similes, imagery (5 senses), and at least 300 words.
DUE:  ______________________________________

Use the following format:

   Give a general explanation of your dream house:
·        setting (on the beach, in the country, in the city, etc.)
·        size/type/color (log cabin, red brick, etc.)
·        surroundings (pool, basketball court, deck, etc.)

 BODY—(as many paragraphs as you need)

    Choose one of the ways below to organize the details:
·        Spatial Order:  Share details in the order that you see them.
·        Chronological Order:  Describe the details of an event that might occur at your dream house in time order.
·        Order of importance:  Organize details by beginning with the least important and ending with the most important detail.



·        What are your feelings about your dream house?
·        Who would come and visit and why?


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