Quarter 2, Week 6
Language Arts- ** Note from last week- we have finished all 5 centers and you should have turned in all 5 assignments. We have a few 'no name' paper so please check there if you believe you have turned them in but do not have credit in power school. ** Your ornaments look great and I am working to grade them. I names are missing on several of them so please come by and let me know if they are yours so I can grade them appropriately. This week we will be looking at the literary elements and character types in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. There is a movie viewing guide that will be due after the movie is finished as well as other assignments after the movie. Book of the Month- The Book of the Month for December is due on January 2, the day we return from break! Please have your paper work filed out. Grammar- Remember to get your grammar complete and turned into me as soon as possible so that I can grade it and get it back to you to correct before Jan...