
Showing posts from 2017

Quarter 2, Week 6

Language Arts- ** Note from last week- we have finished all 5 centers and you should have turned in all 5 assignments.  We have a few 'no name' paper so please check there if you believe you have turned them in but do not have credit in power school. ** Your ornaments look great and I am working to grade them.  I names are missing on several of them so please come by and let me know if they are yours so I can grade them appropriately. This week we will be looking at the literary elements and character types in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.   There is a movie viewing guide that will be due after the movie is finished as well as other assignments after the movie. Book of the Month-  The Book of the Month for December is due on January 2, the day we return from break! Please have your paper work filed out. Grammar- Remember to get your grammar complete and turned into me as soon as possible so that I can grade it and get it back to you to correct before Jan...

Quater 2, Week 5

Language Arts- This week we are working on centers for the story "The Gift of the Magi."  The 1st semester Book Project Christmas Ornament is due on Thursday.  On Friday we will read our Book of the Month.  That book is due on January 2. Bible- This week we are studying for our unit 3 test.  The Test will be on Monday.

Quarter 2, week 4

Language Arts Day 1- Begin Work on the Gift of the Magi.  We experienced the story in 4 ways.  Students need to annotate their copy of the original story. Day 2- We Begin center work for Gift of the Magi.  There are 5 centers and students will turn in 1 activity for each center. Day 3- Today we did a Bell Ringer Quick Write before doing our 2nd Center Day 4- Today is a reading day.  Students should turn in their BOM for November and begin work on their BOM for December. Bible Day 1- Read Lesson 12 Memory Verse-  "Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them." Exodus 25:8 Day 2- DIG 12 Day 3- Build a model of the sanctuary in groups. Day 4- finish model/JAM session

Quarter 2, Week 3, Day 1 and 2

Language Arts- Day 1- Today we turned in our personal narratives and the writing process packet.  We then went over our 1st semester book project. This project can be done over any book read during the first semester whether or not it was written about for Book of the Month.  The project is due on December 7.  You can get the specifics  here. Day 2- Today we took the test over House on Mango Street. We then wrote and argumentative essay in our journals.  The essay assumed we were Turnkeys and was to persuade Thanksgiving feast goers NOT to eat us. Bible- Last week we, as a class, decided to join with Redlands Family Services and to put together a Thanksgiving Dinner box for a family in need.  Each student was asked to contribute an item.  Here is a list of items you signed up for. 5 lb. bag of flour and decorative table items - Carly 5 lb. bag of sugar- Yuuki Dry Milk and 10$ staters card to buy the turkey- Morgan cooking oil- Ryan...

Quarter 2, Week 2, Day 1 and 2

This week we have half days Tuesday- Friday.  We also have Week of Prayer with Chapel everyday.  This means that each class will meet only 3 times.  Language Arts- Day 1 Today we draft our personal narrative.  This is due at the beginning of the next class.  We will also read p. 94-102 of House on Mango Street. Day 2 We will begin the revision process for our personal narrative.  We will also finish reading the book. Day 3 We will work on vocabulary and questions for the last section of house on mango street.  We will also finish revising and editing our personal narrative.  It will be due on Monday, typed in MLA format. Bible- Day 1- We will read the narrative for lesson 10 and review the MV. Day 2- We will do DIG for lesson 10 Day 3- Jam session (we meet at 8 am)

Quarter 2, Week 1, Day 3 and 4

Language Arts- Day 3- Today we began our own personal narratives.  Students were given a packet to walk them through the writing process. We worked through the first 3 pages in class.  There is no other homework. Day 4- Vocabulary Quiz. Book of the Month Reading day.  Students must have their November book in hand today. Religion- Day 3- Dig 7 and 8 and Worksheet 33 Day 4- MV 9 Quiz Jam Session

Q2, Week 1, Day 2

Language Arts- Today we read to page 94 in House on Mango Street,  Answered questions in skit form and reviewed 4 vocabulary words for Friday's Quiz.  The words are: Raven, content, attic, threshold Bible- Today, after bible journals, we answered Dig 1,3,4,5,6 in Skit Form.

Quarter 2, Week 1, Day 1

Language Arts- Today we read p. 62-91 and answered the questions. The questions were given out on a paper and are due the next class period. Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water - No Speak English 1. How does Esperanza describe Elenita? (Elenita, Cards ...) 2. Esperanza asked about a house. What was Elenita's response? (Elenita, Cards ...) 3. Who was Geraldo? What happened to him? How did Marin feel about it? 4. What is different about Ruthie? (Edna's Ruthie) 5. What does Esperanza think about Ruthie? (Edna's Ruthie) 6. What do all of the children in the neighborhood disagree on regarding Earl? About what do they agree? (The Earl of Tennessee) 7. Who are Sire and Lois? What did Esperanza notice about Sire? (Sire) 8. What does Esperanza say about the trees? (Four Skinny Trees) 9. What broke Mamacita's heart? (No Speak English) Bible- Today we reviewed the memory verse and read lesson 9.  The memory verse is: By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac...

Week 9, Day 2,3,4

Language Arts- Day 2 Today we finished reading p. 46-61 as well as answered questions (in skit form).  We then discussed figurative language and found 6 examples in out book. (This was an assignment that, for most, became homework) Language Arts- Day 3 Today we took the final grammar quiz in class.  We then read The House On Mango Street  pages 62- 92. Language Arts- Day 4 We will take the vocabulary quiz.  We will then reading our Book of the Month for October.  The October paperwork is due not later than Wednesday, November 1 and will count on first quarters grade. Bible- Day 2 We read Lesson 8 and discussed it. Bible Day 3- Today we did the Dig A Little Deeper for lesson 8. Bible Day 4- We will take the memory verse quiz and have our Jam Session.

Week, Day 1

Language Arts- This is the last week of the quarter!!! Please check your Power school to make sure your grades are where they should be.  If you believe you turned something in that is not recorded, please come to the classroom and check the "NO NAME" basket on the white board. Your Book Of the Month for October is due by Wednesday, November 1.  It will be counted on 1st quarter's grade and will not be accepted past Wednesday. Your Grammar Practises (3) are recorded in the grade book and we will take the final quiz on Wednesday/Thursday (day 3). Today we review out vocabulary words for this week.  They are: goblets, pillar, luxury, intern, surgeon, flats, currency, ferocious, hysterical, plungers, ignition, naphtha, hydrant, capsules. We will have a quiz over those words and the book so far on Friday. Bible- Today we took the Unit 2 test.  Tomorrow we will begin Lesson 8.  We will have a memory verse quiz on Thursday.  The Verse is: God is ou...

Week 8

Language Arts- This week we have been working on our grammar.  The 3 practice quizzes were due on the 18th.  I want everyone to do well on the real quiz next week so am still handing the quizzes back to students to correct and learn from.  We started the week with 8 vocab works and will have a quiz on them tomorrow.  The words are: cumulus, nimbus, descended, linoleum, strutted, canteen, anemic. We read The House on Mango Street  up through "A Rice Sandwich . . ." and explored conflict in that story.  We did a worksheet that talked about conflict in that story as well as our own.  We then wrote our own story that contained conflict. Tomorrow we will take our vocab quiz, answer the questions for "Alica Who Sees Mice" through "A Rice Sandwich" and read our book of the month. (Due before Oct. 31 and will be recorded on 1st quarter grade) Bible- This week we have studied and reviewed for our unit 2 test.  We will take the test on Monday....

Week 7, Day 3 and 4

Language Arts- Day 3- Today we turned in question set 2 for The House on Mango Street.  We also discussed proper punctuation for dialogue (quotation marks).  We then edit some of Sandra Cisnero's dialogue from the book. Most turned theirs in during class. Day 4- Its Book of the Month reading day.  Don't forget your book!  There will also be a Vocabulary Quiz. Bible- Day 3- We began work on our review for the test over unit 2. Day 4- MV Quiz and Jam Session Day!

Week 7, Days 1 and 2

Language Arts- Day 1- Today in class we went over the vocabulary words for this week.  Students were given a worksheet that will serve as a study guide for the quiz which is on Friday.  The words are: aisles, marimbas, plucked, slant, annual, automatically, flecks, and slats. We than read aloud, "Louie, His Cousin and His Other Cousin" (2nd Read).  We went over the plot chart again and worked on a worksheet regarding the plot and foreshadowing in the story. Last we read the next 3 chapters (through "There was an Old Woman . . .". Day 2- Tomorrow we will make a vocabulary cube with one of the vocab words. We will answer the questions for the the chapters "Gil's Furniture Bought and Sold" through "There was an Old Woman . . ." Then we will read from page 31-42. Bible- Today we read lesson 7 Tomorrwo we will discuss lesson 7 and write the journal and DIG questions # 2, 4, 5.
Language Arts Day 3- Today we discussed The House on Mango Street thus far.  From "The House on Mango Street" to "Laughter".  Students turned in their study questions.  Then we broke into pairs to read the next 2 chapters, "Gil's Furniture Bought and Sold", "Meme Ortiz", and "Louie,  His Cousin and His Other Cousin". (pgs. 19-25) Day 4- We will take the vocab quiz (see previous post for words).  After that we will have our first check in for our October Book of the Month.  Make sure you have your October book with you. Bible- Today we either colored or drew about John 3:16.  Tomorrow we will have our MV test for lesson 6. 1 John 4:9-10 We will have our weekly praise Jam Session. Bring your music and instruments.

Week 6, Days 1 and 2

Language Arts- Day 1 On Monday we turned in our Book of the Month paper work.  By Friday each student should have their October book in hand, ready to read (or reading). We then had class time to work on our Grammar Practices (hopefully all students have turned it in at least once by now).  And our Vocabulary Worksheets (we have a quiz over all 8 words on Friday). Vocab Words: temporary, responsibility, anchor, chandelier, inherit, baptize, distant, complicated. These students were given 4 questions about their names to answer either in class or at home after talking to their parents (see the previous post for questions). Day 2 We went over the vocab (quiz on Friday). We read "Our Good Day" and "Laughter".    Then we answered 7 questions about the first section of House on Mango Street. The House on Mango Street - Laughter 1. Name the members of the narrator's family. 2. How was the house on Mango Street different than the other houses the f...

Week 5, Days 3 and 4

Day 3 Language Arts- Today we wrote our own family hair stories.  These should have been completed and turned in during class.  If not, please turn them in by tomorrow.  We read "Boys and Girls", "My Name", and "Cathy Queen of Cats". Bible- We worked on Lesson 5, Activity A in class. Day 4 Language Arts- Today we turn in our "Dream House" essays.  We will answer questions and do a personal refelction for the stories "Boys and Girls" and "Cathy Queen of Cats".  Then we will read our book of the month.  All book of the month september paperwork is due on monday, Oct. 1. This week end we have 4 questions to answer about our own name.  We will need our parents help. The questions are: 1.    What is your full name? Why did your parents select this name for you?  2. Do you have a nickname? What is the origin of your nickname?  3. When and where were you born? 4.    Tell a story about the day you were born. B...

Week 5, Day 2

Language Arts- Today we read "Hairs" from House on Mango Street  by Sandra Cisneros.  We are working on a Copy Change assignment which we will finish in class tomorrow.  Homework is to continue to work on the "Dream House" discriptive essay, which is due on Friday. Bible- Today we worked on DIG 5 Numbers 1, 3-6.  Most finished in class.  Some took it home.

Week 5, Day 1

Bible- This weeks MV is: Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have seperated you from you God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. Isaiah 59: 1,2 Today we read Lesson 5 in class. Language Arts- Today I assigned the first formal writing assignment. It is due on Friday, September 29 .  I will be giving some time in the next class period to continue working on the rough drafts.  The assignment should follow these guidelines as well as the writing rubric found on p. 432-433 of the Strategies for Writers 7 writing textbook.  All formal assignments turned in should follow the MLA guidelines. Here is a great resource for that.  MLA Format Remember to use your collage (due last friday) as inspiration for this paper. Write a DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY that describes your dream house.  After introducing your dream house, explain its’ most important features.  Be sur...

Week 4, Day 3

Language Arts- We began reading The House on Mango Street today.  We discussed annotation and how we should annotate to interact with our text.  We read and annotated the chapters entitled, The House on Mango Street  and A House of My Own (end of book). The students were given their Dream House Collages to finish at home.  These are due by Friday (last class period of the week). Students need to bring their Book Of The Month (BOM) to class on Friday. Keep working on that grammar. Bible- Today we watched How Great is Our God  By Louie Giglio. The students were introduced to Laminin.  Ask them to tell you about it!

Week 4, Day 2

Language Arts- Today we made a collage of our dream home.  This is the first activity for our Narrative Writing Unit using The House on Mango Street .  Students must have their own, unmarked copy of this book ASAP.  It was listed on the book list along with the big text book and the novel, Hoot.   It is important that students bring both The House on Mango Street  and the text book to class tomorrow. Upcoming: Keep working on your grammar.  Remember to turn each practice in as you finish so I can get it back to  you and you can fix it before Oct. 18. Bible- We worked on DIG lesson 4, Numbers 1-5, today in class.  Most finished, some have it for homework. Upcoming: Thursday is our MV Quiz Thursday is our Praise Jam Session

Week 4, Day 1

Language Arts Today we took a feild trip to the library.  Students learned that they can visit the library between 7:45 and 4pm.  They learned that they can print and copy things at the library as well as resarching, studying and checking out books. Bible The Memory Verse for this week is: Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our imagem in our likenessm so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the skym over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created mankind in his own imagem in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.                                           Genesis 1:26-27 The Quiz will take place on Thursday. We also read Lesson 4.

Book of the Month

Students are to independently read a book each month The should have already planned these books through December, had a parent sign the planning sheet and turned it in to me.  I have attached a copy of the planning sheet and genre checklist  for loss and parent information. Each month students should: o Decide what you will read and acquire a copy of that book. o Read the book at your own pace. o Use the Month Calendar and fill it out AS YOU READ each week. o When you’re totally finished with the book: Complete the Monthly Reaction Form; staple the Month Calendar to it and TURN THEM IN to me for grading. Update your Genre Checklist Here are the   Month Calendar  and Monthly reaction  form due on the first class day of each new month.


I have outlined the grammar program in class and given paper handouts.  But I wanted to link the handouts here in case of loss and for parent information. Each quarter, grammar practices will be available to you online.  You must print out and complete each grammar practice by the Quarterly Due Date.  When you complete a practice, you may turn it in to me ANY TIME DURING THE QUARTER and I will review it.  If you get any wrong, I will hand it back and you will have a chance to redo it and turn it back in.  Keep practicing throughout the quarter until you earn 100%, because these practices will go in as quiz scores.  At the end of the quarter, you will take a quiz reviewing all of the grammar rules learned so far in the school year. Here is the complete Grammar Checklist  with due dates.   I have attached a copy of all three quarter 1 practices below Quater 1 Practice 1 Quater 1 Practice 2 Quarter 1 Practice 3 Don't forget to st...


This week is all about standardized tests.  Each class is meeting twice throughout the week. Language Arts- Meeting 1- Answer Questions about The All- American Slurp . We discussed the answers in class and then the students needed to write a one or two sentence answer.  Most finished in class, some had to take it home to return the next day. Meeting 2- The All-American Slurp  Vocab Quiz (8 words announced last week).  We will also be discussing Email Etiquette.  In class we will evaluate emails. Students will be given a scenario and be required to construct an appropriate email to fit it. (Due by Monday) Bible- Meeting 1- We Read Lesson 3 and did the Dig questions.  Most finished in class, some took it home. Meeting 2- We will take the Lesson 2 MV quiz.  We will then practice as a praise band.


Good Morning- 7th Grade Language Arts- Thank you to all who came out last night.  If you did not make it or missed the syllabus I am attaching it HERE . Today is reading day for Language Arts.  Students should have read 1/4th of their book of the month.  They also should have turned in their book of the month planning sheet with parent signature. 7th Grade Bible (5th Period) If you missed the syllabus I am attaching it  HERE . May your Sabbath be blessed!

Week 2-Thursday

Language Arts Periods 1,2,- Today we read  The All- American  Slurp  in class.  We also defined the 8 vocabulary words on hand out. There will be a quiz over the words next week.  The words are: lavish, mortified, spectacle, sultry, Etiquette, Acquaint, Relish, Cubicle. Tomorrow we will read in class.  Make sure to have your Book of the Month book with you. Periods 8, 7- Book of the Month reading day.  Check point one should be recorded with Mrs, Belleau Bible- Game Day **Remember the MV quiz will be on Monday

Week 2 Day 2

Language Arts- (1st Period see yesterday's blog) Today we read The All- American  Slurp  in class.  We also defined the 8 vocabulary words on hand out. There will be a quiz over the words next week.  The words are: lavish, mortified, spectacle, sultry, Etiquette, Acquaint, Relish, Cubicle. Tomorrow we will read in class.  Make sure to have your Book of the Month book with you. Bible- Today we worked on the DIG for lesson 2 with our table groups.  Some students took it home for homework.  The memory verse quiz has been postponed to the first class next week.

Week 2 Day 1

Parents- I am looking forward to meeting you this Thursday night at back to school night. Language Arts- Today we recalled the Seventh Grade  story and answered comprehension questions (should have been completed in class).  We also reviewed internal and external conflict and worked on listing the conflicts found in the story (some finished sheet in class, other took it home to finish). Students were to turn in their Book of the Month plan sheet with parent signature and books planned till December (I only got a few and will accept them until Friday). I am still missing a few book selfies, it that's you please get them in tonight. Bible- We went over the memory verse: “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign  Lord  says: “‘You were the seal of perfection,      full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.  15  You were blameless in your ways ...


We took our vocab quiz, read and logged our September book of the month books, and worked on our book of the month planning sheet.  The book of the month planning sheet, with a parent signature, is due on Tuesday. Students who did not have their September book will need to check it with me next week.  Students must have their books in class next Friday. Have a great weekend!
Language Arts 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th- Day 3 Today we started with an in class journal prompt.  We then studied plot.  We went over the 5 parts of plot; Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution.  Students then applied these parts of plot to the story  Seventh Grade.   We did a worksheet which most turned in but some took home to finish. 7th-  We took our vocab quiz, read and logged our September book of the month books, and worked on our book of the month planning sheet.  The book of the month planning sheet, with a parent signature, is due on Tuesday. (Everyone in 7th period has turned in their summer book selfies!!) Bible- Today we took out 1st memory verse quiz.  We celebrated by playing Bible Outburst!

Week 1, Day 3

Language Arts * Period 1,8 See Previous Blog (day 2) Day 3 Today we started with an in class journal prompt.  We then studied plot.  We went over the 5 parts of plot; Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution.  Students then applied these parts of plot to the story Seventh Grade.   We did a worksheet which most turned in but some took home to finish. Bible Today we finished our DIG and turned it in.  We then brainstormed about community service we could do from our classroom.  To finish out the period we worked in out bible journal.  No homework was given. Don't forget about the MV quiz tomorrow.

Week 1 Day 2

Language Arts Today we began our first short story.  It is entitled, Seventh Grade.   We went over the vocabulary for the story.  There will be a vocabulary quiz on Friday. Check list: Book Selfie emailed to me Book Selfie half sheet turned in September book of the month chosen and obtained (to be brought to class Friday) Vocabulary Quiz on Friday ** remember that Friday means Thursday for 7th period Bible Today we read lesson 1 and started the DIG questions.  We will finish the DIG in class tomorrow.  Review the Memory Verse for the Quiz on Thursday

First Full Week, Day 1

Language Arts Today we discussed the book of the month program.  Students were given a packet and filled out a Personal Reading Survey that was turned in (a few will finish at home and turn in tomorrow).  Students will need to obtain a book in one of the required Genres and be ready to begin reading in class on Friday. Bible Today we worked on our bible journals as well as review the Memory Verse requirements and this week's memory verse.  There will be a memory verse Quiz on Thursday. "I am the Alpha and Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Revelation 1:8, NIV

First 3 Days!

Today in class the students wrote a letter to me, Mrs. Belleau.  The letter was to include 3 things that they wanted me to know about them.  These were to be things that would help me to better teach them.  These letters were finished in class. I also gave the first homework assignment.  This assignment is due by next friday, Sept. 1.  The assignment is to take a selfie with their favorite summer reading book.  They are to email the selfie to me with the subject line: First Name, Last Name, Class Per. My email address is The students were also given a half sheet to fill out about the book and turn in during class. Looking forward to what next week holds! Mrs. Belleau

2017-2018 School Year

Welcome 7th Graders! I can wait to meet you and find out what you have been reading over the summer.  See you Tuesday, August 22 at 5:30 pm for Meet, Greet, Eat and Wednesday morning at 8 am for the first day of school! This year is going to be great!

Quarter 4 Week 6

Day 1- Draft and Revise Summery (Due on Wednesday, Typed) Day 2- Read Crispin: Cross of Lead Chapters 1-6, Do Vocab and Summery Worksheet Day 3- Read Crispin:Cross of Lead Chapters 7-12, Do Vocab and Summery Worksheet Day 4- Read Crispin:Cross of Lead Chapters 13- 18, Do Vocab and Summery Worksheet

Quarter 4 Week 5

Day 1- Notes (summery introduction) Day 2- Read Jr. Scholastic (choose 1 to summarize) Day 3- 5 W's and Main Idea Map (Due Monday) Day 4- Reading Workshop

Quarter 4 Week 4

Day 1- Poetry Speed Dating, Turn in 1 lined sheet of paper with 3 poems you enjoyed listed. Day 2- Book Check off, Sign up for Poetry Slam, Pick a poem for poem in your pocket day, Grammar Worksheet p. 69-72 Day 3- Share your poem in your pocket, Read and Annotate Helen poems, Do Study Questions.  Turn in Annotate Poems and Questions. Day 4- Poetry Slam (Everyone should participate at least once)

Quarter 4, Week 3

Day 1- Jabberwakky - Turn in 1 poem from last week Turn in Mad-Lib sheet Day 2- Casey at Bat Day 3- Casey at Bat Turn in Summery Turn in Plot Diagram

Quarter 4, Week 1

April 3-7 Day 1- How to read Poetry ( notes ) Day 2- Annotate Dream  by Langston Hughes ( Annotate) Complete Poetry Lingo ( Worksheet) Katy Perry Poetry Lingo ( Worksheet) Day 3- Poem/Song Comparison ( Annotate and Questions) Day 4- Track and Field Day

Feb. 20- Feb. 24

Day 1- Persuasive outline (Due Day 3) Day 2- Book Club Meeting Day 3- Spelling Bee Preliminary, Read Biography Book, Persuasive outline due

Week of Feb. 13-17

Language Arts- Day 1- Research for Persuasive Essay Day 2- Book Club Meeting 7 Day 3- Vocabulary, Thesis Statements Day 4- Book Club Meeting 8, Thesis Statement Due

February 7, 2017

Language Arts- Day 1- Evaluate candy bar ads, create new candy bar ad (Due Friday) Day 2- Vocabulary, Book Club Meeting 5 Day 3- Intro to Problem and Solution Essay             ** Bring Strategies for Writer Day 4- Book Club Meeting 6, Vocabulary             Inproved Candy Bar Ad Due Bible Day 1- Test Review Day 2- Test Review Day 3- Test Review Day 3- Unit 4 Test
Language Arts 7- Day 1- Find biography for book project Invent a new candy bar, draw two pictures of it (one with wrapper and one without wrapper), write a paragraph advertising your invented candy bar. Be prepared for book club meeting 3  read chapters 3-4 write a journal response on chosen topic Day 2- Vocabulary  Book Club Meeting 3 Find biography for book project Day 3- Persuasive device fold-able Be prepared for book club meeting 4 Find biography for book project Day 4- Book Club Meeting 4 Have biography approved  Bible 7 Lesson 16 Statues Due (Group Project) Bible Journaling with MV Activity B Dig

January 17, 2017

Last Week of the Quarter!! Please check your grades to make sure all your assignments are recorded! If you tried to email me over the weekend, I received it but have been able to email out due to a campus wide problem. This week we are reviewing for our grammar unit test.  There is a worksheet to aid in review that is due on day 2.  The test is on Day 3 (the last day of the week).
January 9, 2017 Happy New Year!! New Years Resolution Essays are due today! Day 1- Direct Object and Indirect Object- Worksheet p. 15-18 Day 2- Predicate Noun and Predicate Adjective- Worksheet p. 19-20 Day 3- Prepositional Phrases- Worksheet p. 21-26 Day 4- Appositives- Worksheet p. 27-28 Bible Period 7 Monday- Lesson 13 Tuesday- Dig 1-7 Wednesday- Worksheet p. 44 Thursday- Proverbs Act.