
Showing posts from January, 2018

Day 2

Language Arts- We took the Quiz on Chapter 3 and 4. Next we explored 4 Persuasive devices.  There will be an application quiz on the 4 devices tomorrow **7th period- Today we read (normally Thursday's assignment).  This will enable ALL of us to participate in the lessons this week. Bible- DIG 16 all

Quarter 3, Week 2, Day 1

Language Arts- Be began today by turning in our invented candy bars.  Next, I handed out the Grammar Packets for Quarter 3.  Although they are due on March 13, I encouraged the students to turn them in before Valentines Day (Feb. 14), so that I have time to grade them and they have time to correct them before the finial deadline.  Then read chapters 3 and 4 in Hoot .  Finally, we did the second page, front and back, of our Hoot  packet.  **Quiz over chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow Bible- We read lesson 16 and went over the memory verse.  When you pass through the water, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.       Isaiah 43:2

Quarter 3, Week 1, Day 3

Language Arts- Today we took the Hoot Chapter 1-2 Quiz.  We then did the first page (front and back) of the Hoot  packet.  Next, we viewed several ads for candy bars and were tasked with inventing our own, new, candy bar.  Students should draw their candy bar with the wrapper on and again with the wrapper off.  They should also write a paragraph introducing their candy bar.  The drawings and paragraph is due not later than Monday.  We will be working with these in class so it is imperative that students have their completed work with them. Bible- Today we worked on worksheet page 47 and 48 concerning dreams in the bible.  Tomorrow we will have our Memory Verse Quiz.

Week 1 Day 2

Language Arts Day 2- Today we read chapter 1 and 2 of Hoot  in class.  If we did not finish reading the chapters in class, they are homework.  Be prepared for a quiz tomorrow (day 3). Bible- Today we did DIG Lesson 15 numbers 1-8 and the jounral prompt on the same page.

Semester 2, Quarter 3, Week 1, Day 1

Welcome to a new Semester and Quarter! Language Arts- We are beginning the book Hoot.   Please make sure you have your copy in class tomorrow. Today we did an anticipatory activity and explored how are view may be different from our classmates.  We will keep this activity and revisit it when we finish reading and discussing the book.  It will be interesting to see how our view change. Bible- Today we began studying Daniel.  We read about how he refused the rich food of the kings table.  We will be challenging ourselves to 10 days (the same amount of time Daniel asked for (found in the first chapter of Daniel)) with out meat or sweets.  We will begin our challenge a week from today on Monday, January 29. The memory verse for this week is Daniel 2:20-22 " Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his.  He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them.  he gives wisdom to the wise and kn...

Looking to 2nd Semester

3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Starts Monday! Each student must have their copy of the book Hoot   in class on Monday.  This book was on the book list at the start of the school year and you should have already purchased a copy.  I am looking forward to this unit that crosses between Science and Language Arts.

Quarter 2, Week 9

Wow!  I was sick all of last week.  I know many of us are and I am praying for each of my students who are absent.  This is the last week of the quarter and we are finishing things up.  Today I collected all work from last week.  This included: New Years Resolution Rough Draft, New Years Resolution Final, "Thank you, Ma'am Questions", and the Okapi Close reading packet. We focused on our Grammar Packets in class.  I have uploaded scores for those to Power School.  If yours is still missing please get it to me tomorrow. We will take our Grammar Finial on Thursday of this week. If there is anything I can do to help you finish this quarter strong, please let me know.

Quarter 2, Week 7, Day 1

Welcome Back!! Language Arts- Today we talked about New Years Resolutions.  We brainstormed about our resolutions in 3 categories and wrote the introduction paragraph for out 5 paragraph essay on our 2018 New Years Resolutions. Bible- Today we began reading Lesson 13.  There will be no memory verse quiz this week.