
Showing posts from December, 2017

Quarter 2, Week 6

Language Arts- ** Note from last week- we have finished all 5 centers and you should have turned in all 5 assignments.  We have a few 'no name' paper so please check there if you believe you have turned them in but do not have credit in power school. ** Your ornaments look great and I am working to grade them.  I names are missing on several of them so please come by and let me know if they are yours so I can grade them appropriately. This week we will be looking at the literary elements and character types in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.   There is a movie viewing guide that will be due after the movie is finished as well as other assignments after the movie. Book of the Month-  The Book of the Month for December is due on January 2, the day we return from break! Please have your paper work filed out. Grammar- Remember to get your grammar complete and turned into me as soon as possible so that I can grade it and get it back to you to correct before Jan...

Quater 2, Week 5

Language Arts- This week we are working on centers for the story "The Gift of the Magi."  The 1st semester Book Project Christmas Ornament is due on Thursday.  On Friday we will read our Book of the Month.  That book is due on January 2. Bible- This week we are studying for our unit 3 test.  The Test will be on Monday.